Blackburn Extinguisher and Pat Testing Services
Fixed price Fire Extinguisher and Pat Testing


Rapid Response

All makes Serviced

Service carried out to BS 5306 part 3

Qualified service Engineers

No Hidden Extras

Only Quality spare parts used

Certificate of inspection on completion  

Peace of mind


All workplaces in the UK are legally required to provide and maintain fire extinguishers that reflect the risks or the potential risks in your work environment. Fire authority, building's inspectors or insurers may recommend which extinguishers to install.

Fire extinguishers do have a limited life span, due to the corrosive and pressurized contents. Seals can fail and welds corrode, although regular fire extinguisher maintenance can spot these problems early.

Fire Extinguishers The Law  

As a company owner you are responsible for the safety of your portable appliances .Don't leave it to chance!
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Up to 50 items tested for Only £45.00

PAT Testing